The Parent Pivot Podcast

We are Steve and Julia Cummings and we are empty nesters who desire to maintain healthy relationship with our adult children. We have found that something needs to change in us, the parent, when our child becomes an adult. We need to ”pivot” from parenting, to partnering. What does that look like? When do I say something and when do I not? Why won’t they listen to me? We address these questions and host more in a real, raw an vulnerable way in real time. Tune in each week as we help you become a partner to your adult children. New podcast weblog

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6 days ago

Enjoy this replay of The Parent Pivot Podcast where Steve and Julia sit down with Dr. Jim Burns, President of HomeWord and author of the book, "Doing Life with Your Adult Children." 
Be listening for how you can get a free copy of Jim's book from Steve and Julia.

Summer is Here!

Tuesday Jun 18, 2024

Tuesday Jun 18, 2024

There comes a time when you have to take a step back from life for a bit and take a deep breath.  Life gets crazy fast, doesn't it?  It's all about balance.
Summer 2024 is here and it's time to relax, reflect and enjoy this short season.  Steve and Julia will be doing that themselves and have some suggestions for you while they are away.
Be sure to circle AUGUST 6th on your calendar when they will be back with some fresh interviews with partners who have some great stories to tell to help you pivot from a parent to a partner!

Tuesday Jun 11, 2024

Pivoting from parent to partner can seem like there's more negative than positive going on.  It takes a shift in thinking and relating to your adult child in an entirely different way.
But in this new season as you pivot, there is joy to be found.  You just have to look for it.
On this edition of The Parent Pivot Podcast, Steve and Julia share two different views of how you can find joy on this season of pivoting.
Resources mentioned in this podcast:
Grandparenting website
FamilyLife Marriage Conference
Hope Restored: 

Tuesday Jun 04, 2024

The pivot from parent to partner is not easy.  It's not a "one and done."  It's not even about "checking the box."  Pivoting can be hard for some parents and the question that comes up often is: 
"How can I tell if I'm stuck in parent mode?"
On this edition of The Parent Pivot Podcast, Steve and Julia get real and vulnerable about being aware of some things that may keep you from the pivot to becoming a healthy partner to your adult child(ren).

Tuesday May 28, 2024

Do you struggle with anxiety about how your adult child(ren) are living their lives?  It could be the job they've chosen, or maybe they're struggling to make it on their own.  You're left feeling weary and asking yourself the question: "My adult child isn't living the life I'd like them to.  What's a parent, I mean . . . what's a PARTNER to do?"
On this episode of The Parent Pivot Podcast, you'll hear some honest, open and vulnerable talk from Steve and Julia and what they've been through themselves, as well as helping other parents pivot to becoming a "Prodigal Partner."  Get a cup of coffee and sit back and let this podcast soak deep into your heart.  It's worth every minute.
Resources mentioned on this podcast:
"The Problem of Anxiety" podcast with Tim Keller
Dwell app
"The Power of Praying for Your Adult Children" by Stormie Omartian
"The Return of the Prodigal Son" painting by Rembrandt

Tuesday May 21, 2024

If you've ever wanted to be a "fly on the wall" of a real-life, real-time, intimate conversation with pivoting partners and their adult child - this is the podcast you will be glad you heard.
The tables get turned on Steve and Julia on this episode of The Parent Pivot Podcast when their daughter Jamilyn interviews them about a variety of issues she is facing as their adult child living under their roof.  Real life conversations with adult children in real time! 
Don't miss it - and then share it with your adult child.
Mentioned on the podcast:
18 year-old Jamilyn does Dance Dares in the Airport.
Quote from Jim Carrey on depression:  “I believe depression is legitimate. But I also believe that if you don’t exercise, eat nutritious food, get sunlight, consume positive material, surround yourself with support, then you aren’t giving yourself a fighting chance.” 

Tuesday May 14, 2024

What do junior high ministry, bluegrass music and long-distance grandparenting have to do with pivoting from a parent to a partner?
You'll find out when you listen to this week's Parent Pivot Podcast as Steve and Julia interview Wayne Rice.  Don't miss hearing how you can have an impact on your children's children - even when your adult kids set hard boundaries.
Throwback link to the 60-70's: Watch Brush Arbor on Johnny Cash.
Legacy Grandparenting Summit 2025
Get a copy of Wayne's book, "Long Distance Grandparenting: Nurturing the Faith of Your Grandchildren When You Can't Be There in Person"

Tuesday May 07, 2024

We spend so much of our lives constantly trying to avoid the inevitable challenges that come along from the difficult circumstances that our very own choices have led us to be in. 
What buffaloes do is very unique for the animal kingdom.
What does this have to do with being the parent of adult children?  Steve and Julia have a unique way to get their point across about the tough struggles and trauma we have faced and how we can find freedom and healing while deepening healthy relationships with our adult kids. 
Buffalo Charge the Storm Story by Rory Vaden
Resources mentioned on today's podcast:
Will the Circle Be Unbroken?: A Memoir of Learning to Believe You’re Gonna Be Okay

Tuesday Apr 30, 2024

We all do it.  We can't help it.  We choose hills to die on that we regret later and we ask ourselves, "Was it worth it?"
Choosing to bite our tongue and have relationship with our adult child(ren) over being right is key to pivoting well from "parent" to "partner." 
Join Steve and Julia on The Parent Pivot Podcast as they help us navigate the minefields that come up when our adult children like or do things we may not agree with.

Tuesday Apr 23, 2024

Pivoting from a parent to a partner comes with a mixture of emotions. You might feel down, lonely, or a bit unsure about what to do with all the new free time you suddenly have. It's a big change, after all. Your job as the parent has shifted, and now it's time to watch your adult children make their way in the world.
On this episode of The Parent Pivot Podcast, Steve and Julia shed some light on how we can navigate this season of life and become a help to our adult children at the same time. 
Be sure to check out the resources these recommended resources:
The Pause app.
Dwell app
Abide app
"Seven Desires: Looking Past What Separates Us to Learn What Connects Us" - by Mark Laaser.

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